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Obstetrics and Gynaecology



The spectrum of services provided cover Antepartum, Intrapartum and Postpartum areas.

Antepartum Services
1. A highly focused approach for early detection and diagnosis of serious ailments of pregnancy by our competent team of doctors.

2. Nutritional guidance and Dietary counselling to expecting mother for optimum growth & development of the baby.

3. Antenatal exercises and advice by our physiotherapist for facilitating normal delivery.


High Risk Delivery


We are the only centre in the entire district offering highly skilled and integrated care for managing High Risk pregnant patients suffering from various medical & other Diseases :

1. Preeclampsia & Eclampsia

2. Severe Anaemia

3. Heart Disease

4.Diabetes Mellitus

5. Kidney Disease

6. Liver Disease

7. Epilepsy

8. Placenta Praevia

9. Previous Surgeries ( LSCS/Myomectomy/Ectopic )

10. Twin Pregnancy


Painless Delivery


Highlight of our Intrapartum care is: Painless Labor & Delivery
This technique allays anxiety and fear of painful labor and motivates the mother to opt for natural method of delivery, thus making the entire process of child birth a stress free and happy experience.


Postpartum Care


In Postpartum Period, mothers are advised regarding breast feeding, perineal care and new born care. Immunization, new born screening for specific diseases are the hallmark of our postpartum care & contraception advice.


Gynaecology Procedures


Our centre provides optimum surgical management of all Gynaecological problems, in our state of the art modular operation theatres. Following are some of the procedures being done:

1. Hysterectomy – Abdominal/ Vaginal/ NDVH / Laproscopy

2. Myomectomies – Open / Laproscopic

3. Ovarian Cystectomies – Open / Laproscopic

4. Diagnostic Laproscopy/ Operative Laproscopy

5. Hysteroscopic Tubal Cannulation

6. Sacropexy for Vault Prolapse

7. Tubal Recanalization

8. Tubectomies – Open / Laproscopic

9. Hysteropexy

10. Sling Surgeries

11. Surgery for Endometriosis

12. Cervical Encerclage