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Dr. Kirti Bansal


People’s recovery from serious physical injury and medical conditions often lies in capable hands of Physical therapist.  An  important aspect of preventive care and rehabilitation. Here,  Meet our physical therapist Dr. Kirti Bansal with specialised expertise in orthopaedic and neurological rehabilitation. She’d completed her graduation from Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana, Ambala. Afterthat, she continued her practice in both private and public sector as ‘Clinical Physiotherapist’. She is enthusiastic, hardworking PT who achieved phenomenal success in a very less time, helping professional kabaddi/cricket players recover from injuries and return to top form. She has worked with many patients suffering from debilitating conditions such as back pain, disc Prolapse, arthritis, stroke, cerebral palsy and many. Achieved  85% success in rehab-oriented goals for patients. She possess excellent interpersonal skills and regularly consult with attending and referring physicians to implement and design rehabilitation programs. She is a seasoned physical therapist with a great passion for helping people of all ages. Moreover, She is learner who is learning  everyday to keep herself updated with new techniques and technologies available for treating patients.


  • Perform extensive structural and functional patient’s evaluation.
  • Determine appropriate treatment for injury.
  • accurately document patient treatment and progress
  • diagnostic and prognostic


  • Physiotherapy
  • Manual therapy
  • Dry needling
  • Cupping therapy
  • Functional Re-education training
  • Manipulation and mobilization techniques

Geriatric and pediatric Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy Department at Chhabra Hospital offers comprehensive OPD and various other facilities in a single place. Chhabra Hospital has the trained professionals of the therapist who has years of experience and helped many patients to get recover fast.

With the team of the best, professional Physiotherapy in Panipat, Physiotherapy is one of the allied health professions that, by using evidence-based kinesiology, exercise prescription, health education, mobilization, electrical and physical agents, treats acute or chronic pain, movement and physical impairments resulting from injury, trauma or illness typically of musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological and endocrinological origins.